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Erase Inside a Closed Pline
Tip# 2117 By Pedro Ferreira On 01-May-2006
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 2420
Categories : Polylines
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip2117: xerase.lsp
Select a closed polyline object, and the rest is automatic.

Erase Inside a Closed Pline (Tip #2117) from Pedro Ferreira is this month's top tip. Load the LSP file and type XERASE to make it happen. All you need to do is select a closed polyline object, and the rest is automatic. Everything found completely inside the closed polyline is erased just like using the Fence Window selection. This function uses the Visual LISP VLAX functions and is a sweet example of how easy it is to manipulate lists of points. Thanks for the great tip, Pedro!



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