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Add Batting Insulation
Tip# 3329 By Kent Cooper On 01-Dec-2009
Rated By 2 users Downloaded : 3642
Categories : Polylines
Software type : AutoCAD 2010
Rename File To : InsulBattPoly.lsp
Convert an existing entity to a polyline representation of Batt insulation, or create one.

Editor's Note: In July 2010, this tip was updated with a new LISP file that has (vl-load-com) added at the beginning. 

InsulBattPoly, submitted by Kent Cooper, allows you to create, or convert, an existing entity to a polyline representation of Batt insulation. Load the LISP code and type IB at the Command line. You will be prompted to select an existing entity, or create a new entity. Next, you are prompted to retain or delete this path. Then, you are prompted for the thickness of the batting and the justification of the batting along the path. Then the batting is constructed. If you want to adjust the results, simply repeat the command and choose Previous at the Select Path Type prompt. This will restore your entity and allow you to choose a new thickness and justification.


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User comments
Comment by Cooper,Kent
Posted on 2010-02-19 12:53:31
Here's a little image that illustrates what it can do. -- Kent Cooper
Comment by Duck,Stephen
Posted on 2010-04-25 23:02:32
Hi Kent, I am getting the following error in AutoCAD 2010: Error: no function definition: VLAX-CURVE-ISCLOSED Thanks, Stephen
Comment by Douglas,Michael
Posted on 2010-06-07 17:09:24
Hi Kent, I am getting the following error in AutoCAD 2010: Error: no function definition: VLAX-CURVE-GETENDPARAM Thanks, Mike
Comment by Cooper,Kent
Posted on 2010-06-18 14:26:12
Stephen & Michael: You may need to do (vl-load-com) first. [Something in my ArchDeskTop does that for me automatically, so I don't always remember to include it in my routines as I should.] - Kent Cooper
Posted on 2010-07-09 00:59:57
The LISP is nice but it will be better if the user can input the Insulation Height