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Adjust Point Display with DDPType
Tip# 4518 By Tina Stimpson On 10-Aug-2015
Rated By 0 users
Categories : Points
Software type : AutoCAD 2016
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Do you ever run across a drawing where the point display is so large that you can't see anything but a screen full of Xs? Here's a quick fix.

Ever open a drawing where the point display is so large, you can’t see anything but a screen full of Xs?

Use the command DdpType to fix it. Make adjustments in this pop-up screen:

Notes from Cadalyst tip reviewer R.K. McSwain: To add to Tina's tip, you can change the size and the style of AutoCAD point entities using this command. The size can be set in absolute units or relative to the screen.


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User comments
Comment by Black,Dr Walter
Posted on 2015-08-10 17:06:36
I usually use PDMODE 0 instead. Fastest way to get back to the real point of things.