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Chain-link Hatch
Tip# 1934 By Watson Kilbourne On 01-Mar-2004
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 1790
Categories : Patterns, Metal
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip1934: CHAINLNX.PAT
Five elegant lines define a chain-link hatch pattern.

There is something to be said for elegance, and Watson Kilbourne delivers. His pattern for chain-link fencing shows that even good things can be improved. Check out Tip #1934 and the simple five-line pattern he provided to draw a chain-link crosshatch. Simple, elegant, genius!

*CHAINLNX, Chain-link fencing
90, .1,.3, .6,.4, .1,-1.1
90, .2,.3, .6,.4, .1,-1.1
45, .1,.4, -2.6870057685,.141421356, .70710678,-2.68700577
135, .2,.4, 2.6870057685,.141421356, .70710678,-2.68700577

This works best in an enclosed area. Download the tip and place the PAT file in your support path folder. Next use Bhatch and select the options for a custom pattern. Look for the chain-link fencing option in the custom patterns that are available.



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User comments
Comment by Cooper,Kent
Posted on 2012-01-27 14:13:36
Here's what it looks like.