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Use Custom Menu Files for Viewport Scale Management
Tip# 4116 By Mel Rosenow On 13-May-2013
Rated By 0 users Downloaded : 396
Categories : Paper Space
Software type : AutoCAD 2014
Rename File To : Scale/,Scale/Scale Imperial.mnu,Scale/Scale Metric.mnu
These custom menus can help you quickly apply scale settings to a viewport.

Mel Rosenow, an architectural technologist, has created two custom menus for AutoCAD that allow users to quickly apply scale settings to a viewport.

"The Scale toolbar is helpful if you wish to set a scale of a viewport to a known scale. We know that ¼" scale is a scale factor of 48, and 1:100 is a scale factor of 100, but what happens if you scale a viewport to see the items of interest and the viewport scale is an odd number which you do not recognize?

"I created these scale menus so that once I have this scale factor shown, I can determine which proper scale is the closest, then adjust my viewport accordingly. Over time I have added scales which are not industry standard, but were used in drawings received by others. These menus have saved me countless hours of frustration.

"An interesting point to me when creating the menus is that:

1 : 300 is the same scale factor as 1" = 25'
1 : 600 is the same scale factor as 1" = 50'

"I currently use AutoCAD Architecture 2013; the menus may be loaded as a partial menu in previous versions. Open the CUI, then right-click on Partial Customization Files and select the menus provided."

Notes from Cadalyst tip reviewer Brian Benton: Once you load the mnu files to your user interface, they are extremely easy to use. Follow the tips instructions for loading the MNU files. If your menu bar is off, type MENUBAR on the Command line and turn it on (setting should be 1 to turn on). Click on the appropriate menu (Imperial or Metric) and click the scale to which you want your viewport to be set.

If your viewport is locked, nothing will happen. This is a good thing, otherwise it would be far to easy to mess up your viewport scale.


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