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Rotate View in Paper Space
Tip# 3155 By Chris Kuenning On 01-Mar-2009
Rated By 1 users
Categories : Paper Space
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Here is yet another way to rotate a view.

Tipster Chris Kuenning sent us a tip about another way to rotate a view.
A few months ago, viewers submitted several different procedures on rotating views, but I don’t recall any mimicking the procedure that I commonly use.  I work mainly in civil applications with street Plan & Profile sheets, but this works well with other applications as well:
1.    Make sure view is not locked.
2.    Open view in Temporary (or floating) Modelspace.
3.    command: UCSFOLLOW <0>, set to “1”
4.    command: UCS, enter “E” or “OB”
5.    Select the object that you want to rotate view to, making sure to pick the correct end of object to get the X-Y orientation that you want (usually left end).
6.    command: UCSFOLLOW <1>, enter “0”
7.    Zoom to drawing area, scale, pan to preferred section, toggle to Paperspace, then Lock View.
Using UCSFOLLOW along with UCS Object allows you to rotate a view to align objects such as a centerline with the curser, parallel with the sheet, and if you want to align your curser to draw text or other objects with another object or at a specific angle, simply use the SNAPANG command.
NOTES FROM CADALYST TIP PATROL:  I like this tip because that’s the way I do it, usually.  Many times a view needs to align with an object and this is a very easy way to get it done.  The UCSFOLLOW setting comes defaulted to 0.  This means that when you rotate your UCS the icon rotates but not the view on the screen.  Turn it on (set it to 1) and your view will rotate to match the new UCS.  It can be done in model space too, not just temporary model space through a viewport in Paper Space.
Tested in AutoCAD 2009


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User comments
Comment by Eaton,Nancy
Posted on 2009-03-02 18:36:23
Another benefit of changing the UCS in floating modelspace is that the text and leaders are aligned with the viewport, but it doesn't actually change the UCS in modelspace, so North is still North and 0,0,0 is still 0,0,0 - very important for civil drawings.
Comment by Antonov,Nikolay
Posted on 2009-06-30 00:29:34
Hi I use the command "Plan" that rotates the view to make the ucs horizontal. Without going to UCSFOLLOW after aligning the UCS to the object I execute "PLAN" the press ENTER and ENTER again at the prompt "Enter an option (Current) This rotates the View to make UCS horizontal to the screen. Nick
Comment by Kuenning,Chris
Posted on 2009-08-27 15:46:33
Thanks for the tip Nick. Back in the day, after rotating the ucs for a view, you had to go into tilemode "1" and rotate the ucs back the same angle but in the opposite direction prior to exiting UCSFOLLOW or you would have a "ucs mess".