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Lock or Unlock Multiple Viewports
Tip# 3708 By Samuel Lucido On 16-Aug-2011
Rated By 0 users Downloaded : 352
Categories : Other, Paper Space
Software type : AutoCAD 2012
Rename File To : LOCKEM.LSP
This routine affects viewports on the current layout only.

Sam Lucido's routine addresses a common problem: how to quickly lock or unlock multiple viewports at once in AutoCAD. Start by loading the LISP file, then use the command VPLock to lock or VPUnlock to unlock multiple viewports. If you prefer to not receive the alert dialog at the end, you can comment this out of the code. If you work with multiple layouts, note that these functions only lock or unlock multiple viewports on the current layout; you will have to repeat the command in each layout.


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User comments
Comment by Hanby,Jill
Posted on 2011-08-23 09:56:09
For those of us who don't know, where do we put the file to make the rountine work?
Comment by McSwain,R.K.
Posted on 2011-08-26 13:50:20
Jill, tecnically it does not matter where you save the file, but you might want to keep all of your custom files in a separate folder (like C:Cadstuff) to make it easy to keep up with these files.