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Inventor Tip: Replacing References in Inventor
Tip# 4255 By David Gaskill On 10-Feb-2014
Rated By 0 users
Categories : Other
Software type : Inventor
Rename File To : No Files to download.
This tip shows you how to reuse existing parts when you are creating something similar.

Tipster David Edward Gaskill sent this Inventor tip.

“Have you ever had a part that is very similar to another part that you have already detailed? This tip may help with creating the new detailed part by using the existing detailed one."
"Open the two parts drawings that are similar, then open the detailed drawing of the first part detailed earlier.
"Save as the existing detail using a new file name; in this case I started with 410-590, and created 410-591.

"Go to the manage ribbon and select replace model reference.

"In the replace model reference dialog box, select the file name and pick select new model. Find the file you want to replace.

"Select yes to replace the reference.

"The new detail will now reference the new part file that was similar to the orginal. Cleanup may be needed and dimensions may be lost, this is quite the time saver, and you just may be lucky enough for the whole detail to come through with no issues.

"New referenced detail, after minor cleanup."

Notes from Cadalyst tip reviewer R.K. McSwain: This tip shows you how to reuse existing parts when you are creating something similar.


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