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Insert Signatures
Tip# 3750 By Leonid Nemirovsky On 16-Oct-2011
Rated By 0 users
Categories : Other
Software type : AutoCAD 2012
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Save time by printing out approval signatures.

Frequent tipster Leonid Nemirovsky shares a trick to inserting signatures into an AutoCAD file.

"To create an engineering stamp with a signature for AutoCAD, follow these steps:

  1. Create a stamp in AutoCAD without the signature.
  2. Print it out in proper scale on bond (paper).
  3. Have the engineer sign it.
  4. Scan it to PDF.
  5. Convert the PDF file back to AutoCAD.

For the last step, you'll need one of many converter programs on the market. Just search for them on the Internet; they are not very expensive and usually you can try them out for 15-30 days before you choose one for your company."

Notes from Cadalyst Tip Patrol:
Be careful with this — once your signature is captured digitally, anyone can apply it! Regardless, being able to print out your signature instead of having to sign hundreds of sheets is a nice option to have. Make sure the municipality you are submitting to will accept it. You don't have to convert the PDF to an AutoCAD object type; AutoCAD can reference the PDF of the signature just like a DWG file.


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User comments
Comment by Chauhan,Brad
Posted on 2011-10-17 15:11:20
this will work...but it probably won't meet state boards of licensing or administrative code requirements, and it is not secure...you may want to look at the CoSign solution at ARX, Inc., for a more formal approach
Comment by Wright,Rick
Posted on 2013-09-09 14:06:34
I find it better to create a separate block for the signature and place it on a separate layer. That way it can be turned on and off as needed (and the stamp can be left on and unsigned). It also gives the capability of deleting the signature block if you don't want the signature available for use in a drawing file you are sending out.