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Filtered Flatten Command
Tip# 4189 By Raymond Rizkallah On 22-Sep-2013
Rated By 0 users Downloaded : 569
Categories : Object Properties
Software type : AutoCAD 2014
Rename File To : flatt.lsp
This LISP routine filters out all entities except lines, lwpolylines, circles, and arcs.

To avoid some of the pitfalls of the AutoCAD Express Tool called Flatten, contributor Raymond Rizkallah has written this LISP routine that filters out all entities except lines, lwpolylines, circles, and arcs. The routine still uses the Flatten command, but only allows for a selection of the aforementioned entity types.

Start by loading the LISP routine, then run the FLATT command. Make a selection as usual, but notice that only the entity types above will be selected.


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