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Control Polyline Corners
Tip# 4370 By Hobart Hesse On 22-Sep-2014
Rated By 0 users
Categories : 2D Operations, Object Properties
Software type : AutoCAD 2015
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Here's another way to control the spaces for dashes in polylines.

Everyone uses the polyline LT Enable and Disable settings for even spaces for dashes in polylines, but did you know that an open dashed polyline can be controlled with another factor? Sometimes the spaces fall in an open part of the dashed line that you would like to be solid. Here is the quick fix. Let’s say your polyline width is 5.0; click on the Properties box and change the starting width to 4.99. This will create a solid line at each and every vertex, making a neat corner for each bend in the polyline. It does not work on closed polylines.

Notes from Cadalyst tip reviewer R.K. McSwain: Since you are setting the start and end values of each segment to different values, even if the difference is so slight to not be visually noticed, AutoCAD will always start a new segment where it might otherwise leave a gap. It seems to give the same result as disabling the linetype generation setting, but it may give various results depending on the geometry.


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Comment by Cooper,Kent
Posted on 2014-09-23 15:19:59
It seems that setting the start and end values of only ONE segment makes it do this throughout the Polyline. It may be a means to do it, but I'm trying to imagine a situation in which there would be any REASON to do it this way rather than by disabling linetype generation. It takes more work in the Properties box than the latter way; depending on settings and how much different you make a width entry, it displays the same value for starting and ending width in all segments but doesn't display a global width, which can only be confusing (for example, if a User wants linetype generation working again, and it says it's on, but it doesn't show that way, and the displayed widths of the segments don't tell them which one is off, if they even know that's the source of the issue); if the width of the Polyline actually represents something meaningful (for example, something that may be the basis for some calculated value), it could throw that off; it doesn't work with closed Polylines (in fact, it had bizarre results when I tried it); maybe a few other considerations. I'd be interested in any description of when it would make sense to do it that way.