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Tip# 1923 By Martin Fryer On 01-Jan-2004
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 209
Categories : Notes/Text
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip1923: ULCASE.LSP
ULCASE.LSP converts text and mtext to all uppercase or all lowercase. You can select one text entity or all text in the drawing or window.

Tip #1923 [ULCASE.LSP]
Our office standards require that all text in our drawings be uppercase. From time to time we forget, or we find a drawing that we must fix. This AutoLISP routine converts text and mtext to all upper- or lowercase. You can select one text entity or all text in the drawing or window. The routine prompts you to choose to convert to upper- or lowercase and defaults to uppercase if you press .



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