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Link Area Text to Boundary
Tip# 1985 By Leonid Nemirovsky On 01-Oct-2004
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 447
Categories : Notes/Text
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip1985: TARB.LSP
TARB.LSP, for AutoCAD 2005 only, regenerates text in an area when you change the endpoints of the polyline.

Another very nice routine that demonstrates reactors comes from Leonid Nemirovsky. Link Area Text to Boundary (Tip #1985) lets you define a polyline and then select it as an area region. The area value displays as text at the location of your choosing, then the magic begins. As you change the endpoints of the polyline that defines the area boundary, the text for the area regenerates. This is a classic example of how one entity can cause another entity to change under program control. This tip runs only inside AutoCAD 2005 or higher because of Leonid's coding with the Field elements. Look at this code to learn how you can link objects together using Visual LISP reactors.



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Comment by Hanna,Jon
Posted on 2008-12-10 09:53:26
FYI, this crashes out of Acad 2009 every time.