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Generate a series of alphanumeric text strings.
Tip# ALSPSOL0705 By Tony Hotchkiss On 01-Jul-2005
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 1340
Categories : Notes/Text
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : 07alispsol-Alpha-num.LSP
Generate a series of alphanumeric text strings.

This month's request came from Mr. Bruce Moore of Perrysburg, OH. Brian creates electrical drawings with a variety of wire numbering combinations. He wants to create text strings that can be incremented by either number or letter, and that can have the number before the letter(s) or the letter(s) before the number. In either case, the number or the letter may be incrementally changed. The letters may be upper or lower case.
The AutoLISP Solution is ALPHA-NUM.LSP, which allows the user to select any alphanumeric string and whether to increment the number or the letters with any incremental value. The letters may come before or after the numbers, and they may be upper or lower case.

Get the Code
Download the ALPHA-NUM.LSP file from our Get the Code area and save it in AutoCAD's Support directory. Use the Appload facility by selecting Tools / Load Application. Then select the ALPHA-NUM.LSP program from where you stored it.



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