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Bearing and Distance Annotations
Tip# 1933 By Leonid Nemirovsky On 01-Mar-2004
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 1113
Categories : Notes/Text, Object Data
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip1933: BRG.LSP
BRG.LSP helps you place bearing and distance annotations in a drawing.

Len's second contribution, BRG.LSP (Tip #1933), helps you place bearing and distance annotations in a drawing. Select a line object, and the macro prompts you to supply the points to attach a callout that shows the bearing and distance of the line you just selected. This is a dandy tool for surveyors and map designers. Len used the DIMSCALE factor to determine how large to make the text. Harry added a comment next to that in the code in case you want to change the value.



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User comments
Comment by Mohs,Kirk
Posted on 2009-10-30 17:29:44
Is is possible to use the LTSCALE factor to determine the size of the text?