CAD designer David Edward Gaskill discusses how to turn off parts in Inventor without using view reps.
"Have you ever wanted to turn off parts in a view and not have to set up a new level of detail or view rep, only to find out that the Visibility option is grayed out?
"Right-click the view and choose Edit View. If you find yourself unable to turn off the visibility of a part in a view, you may need to turn off the Associative link on the Drawing View dialog box. Uncheck the Associative link in the Drawing View dialog box; this allows you to override the view and turn off individual parts.
"Click OK and return to the view. Select the part whose visibility you want to toggle and notice the change in the dialog box: You now have the option to turn off the part's visibility. If you want the part to be visible again, either reverse the process or reselect the Associative checkbox."
Notes from Cadalyst tip reviewer Brian Benton: It's frustrating when our views aren't displayed the way we expect them to be. These steps will help you to display your parts properly. |