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Show Objects above the Cut Line
Tip# 4221 By Andria Lynch On 09-Dec-2013
Rated By 0 users
Categories : Named Views
Software type : Autodesk Revit 2012
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Set up equipment in your model so that everything shows up in plan.

Tipster Andria Lynch shares a method for displaying objects that are above the cut line in Autodesk Revit.

"I know view ranges and equipment displaying in plan view is a hard concept to grasp, so here is a simple example of how you can set up equipment in your model so that everything shows up in plan, even if it is above the cut line.

"The first view is an elevation view of two pieces of equipment, and below that is the plan view of the two pieces.

"Some of the equipment we have in our firm's library is under the Specialty Equipment family category. Unfortunately, this category does not display in our plan view unless it is in the cut plane. That means that even though it is in the View Range, it still will not show up the way we would like it to sometimes (think TVs, for example).

"What we can do is to change the family category to Generic. This way it will show up whenever it is in the view range. You can see the difference in the screenshot above; the piece on the right is a Generic family, while the one on the left is Specialty Equipment. The only additional step we take to make sure these display with the correct line weights is to assign an object style in the generic model family named Equipment with the correct line weight, color, and style. (It is important that it be the same spelling in every family instance; you could set this up in your family template.) Happy Revit-ing!"

Notes from Cadalyst tip reviewer Brian Benton: Revit families, styles, and the cut line can make your head spin. This trick will help you display your linework in your drawings the way you want it to in your Revit views.


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