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Quickly Navigate through 3D Views
Tip# 3455 By Mike Quillen On 10-Jul-2010
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 315
Categories : Script Files, Named Views, 3D Views
Software type : AutoCAD 2011
Rename File To : WorkUnwork/,WorkUnwork/Unwork.SCR,WorkUnwork/Work.SCR
These files create and delete named views and user coordinate systems.

Script files are powerful but under-utilized tools for AutoCAD customization. Mike Quillen has submitted a couple of script files to help with 3D view navigation. As a reminder, script files are simply command strings stored in an ASCII file, and you load them using the Script command. The script file WORK.SCR automatically creates named views and named user coordinate systems specifically for 3D modeling work. Sixteen named views are created: one for every 22.5-degree increment around the compass. Four named user coordinate systems are also created. Once these views are created, you can easily restore them using the View command (dialog box or Command line), or you could create menu macros to automate the view restore process even further.

The second script file, named UNWORK.SCR, simply deletes the views and coordinate systems created by WORK.SCR. Thanks for sharing these, Mike.


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User comments
Comment by Cole,John
Posted on 2010-07-19 17:30:41
too bad, I don't seem to be able to download this tip. Other tips, no problem. What I get is a blank winzip window when I "open", and when I "save" I get a 1KB file that does not contain anything. Is it me? using win7 and IE8.0xxx thanks!
Comment by Smith,Cyrena
Posted on 2010-08-17 04:40:20
Dear John: The file has been replaced; please try your download again. Thank you, Cadalyst Staff