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Hyperlink to a Saved View
Tip# 4060 By Danny Korem On 28-Jan-2013
Rated By 0 users
Categories : Named Views
Software type : AutoCAD 2013
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Try this trick for using hyperlinks in AutoCAD text objects.

Frequent tipster Danny Korem shares a trick on how to use hyperlinks in AutoCAD text objects.

"If you have named views or layout viewports in your drawing, this tip may change the way you see things. Create some mtext or text, right-click, and opt for Insert Field. In the linked category, select Hyperlink. In the hyperlink dialog box, click the view of this drawing.

"If a model view is selected and you press Control while selecting the text, you will navigate directly to the named view. On the other hand, if you assign the hyperlink to all other views in the list, when you Control+click one, you will navigate directly to the layout.

"There are several advantages to this method:

  • Layout tab names will not have to be explicit.
  • When you send a drawing to another person, it is much easier to navigate within it.
  • Since named views have the Layer Snapshot option, an explicit hyperlink might save some phone calls or e-mails to clarify things.
  • This routine saves time in prototyping, templates, page setups, etc., if appropriately implemented."

Notes from Cadalyst Tip Reviewer Brian Benton: This can be a very useful tool, especially when you need to navigate through a large set of drawings or files. It can also make things easier for other users. This tip creates a hyperlink — a clickable piece of text that takes you somewhere inside your AutoCAD file. Once it is set up, a user can click on the text while holding down the Control key, and it will open a file and bring it to a specific view. This tip addresses the current file, or the file you have open to receive the text. You can set this type of hyperlink to open any DWG file. Instead of going through the View of This Drawing filter, use the Existing File or Web Page filter just above it. This allows you to browse for the file you want to link to. Browse to the file, then click the target button on the right. This will open a window listing all the views and drawing tabs in the file. Your cross-section or detail callouts in your plan or subassembly drawings can also be links to the file containing the details or section itself. You could also make your company information in the title block be a link to your company web site.


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Comment by Finkelstein,Ellen
Posted on 2013-01-28 15:15:54
I wrote a tip on the same topic last August, with the idea of creating a menu to views. It's at www.ellenfinkelstein.com/acadblog/hyperlink-to-views-in-your-drawing/.