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Improved Text to Mtext
Tip# 3727 By Kent Cooper On 14-Sep-2011
Rated By 0 users Downloaded : 1594
Categories : Multiline Text, Single-Line Text
Software type : AutoCAD 2012
Rename File To : OneMtext.lsp
Join any combination of text and mtext entities into a single mtext object.

Kent Cooper has written an improved text-to-mtext conversion routine based on code by Joe Burke. This version allows you to select any combination of text and mtext entities, and the selections will be joined into a single mtext object in AutoCAD. To use this routine, load it and use one of the following commands: 1MT0, 1MT1, or 1MT2. The first adds a space character between the selected strings, the second starts a new paragraph between the selections, and the third adds a blank line between the selections.

This routine requires that you select the objects one at a time, in the order they should be joined. If the first object is already mtext, its width property is retained. Kent has included more information about this routine as comments in the LISP file.


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Comment by Cooper,Kent
Posted on 2011-09-16 15:01:31
Another important feature people might want to know about [actually, the reason for making the routine in the first place] is that it accepts selection of BOTH Text and Mtext entities [AutoCAD's TXT2MTXT won't work with anything that's already Mtext, at least back in Acad2004].