Designer Kendra Hathaway sends a tip for AutoCAD Electrical users who need a faster way to convert the width of mtext.
"Sometimes we receive drawings with the 1.0 width font and have to convert them all to 0.8 width. Because Properties does not allow the width of mtext to be modified, we would usually have to modify the text, highlight it, then select the width factor.
"For those with AutoCAD Electrical, this is an easy fix: Use Change Attribute Size (Aeattsize). My only wish is that I could isolate the text layer and select multiple mtext bodies via a window, but it only allows one at a time."
The following image illustrates the process. For further details about changing attribute text size, consult AutoCAD Electrical Help > Component Attribute Tools > Change Attribute Text Size, and click the Quick Reference tab. Change Attribute Size Dialog Box Note: This tip was not reviewed by the Cadalyst Tip Patrol. |