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Leader to Multileader
Tip# 3000 By Lyle Hardin On 05-Aug-2008
Rated By 4 users Downloaded : 7928
Categories : General Text, Multileaders, Leaders
Software type : AutoCAD 2008
Rename File To : LeaderToMleader.LSP
Update basic leaders and text into a single multiple-leader entity object.

Lyle Hardin created Leader Update to update basic leaders and text into a single multiple-leader entity object. To use this utility, load the LISP code and type LeaderToMLeader at the AutoCAD Command prompt. You’ll be prompted to select a leader and then the text. Those elements will be erased from the drawing and replaced with a multipleleader object that contains both the leader geometry and text as a single entity.


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User comments
Posted on 2012-05-21 09:07:45
Works well with World UCS. When used in alternate UCS, the resulting multileader winds up somewhere in the stratosphere and rotated to a different angle.