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Incremental Bubble Labeling
Tip# 4019 By Alan Thompson On 18-Nov-2012
Rated By 0 users Downloaded : 708
Categories : Multileaders
Software type : AutoCAD 2013
Rename File To : BubbleInc/,BubbleInc/BubbleInc.dwg,BubbleInc/BubbleInc.LSP
Place incremental bubble leaders automatically.

BubbleInc is a routine from Alan Thompson that automates the process of placing incremental bubble leaders in AutoCAD. It uses a predefined multileader style (included in a separate DWG file). Start by loading the LISP file, then type in the command BI. Make sure you have an mleader style named BUBBLE. If this does not exist, the routine will stop. Before placing the first leader, you can specify the starting number. From that point on, you simply pick two points for each successive leader. The routine continues until you press Enter. The LISP code includes a provision for specifying the layer, although the default setting is to use the current layer.


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