David Alexander offered a tip to create multiple leaders easily in an AutoCAD multileader object. "Do your annotation with the leader pointing to the first object. Locate the note relative to the multiple objects you wish to annotate. Select the leader, pick the grip at the point of the arrowhead, and move it to the next object. Just keep selecting the arrowhead grip and moving it to as many objects as required. This is especially quick for pipe annotation, where you have multiple pipes of the same size racked together." Notes from Cadalyst Tip Reviewer Brian Benton: In older versions of AutoCAD (before AutoCAD 2013), you have to select the multileader first, right-click, then select the Add Leader option. You can remove leaders in a similar manner, except you would select the Remove Leader option. These tools are also available in the ribbon in the Multileader panel under the Annotate tab. |