Senior Structural Technician and CAD Coordinator Gareth Spencer shows us how to change the visual display features of individual leaders in an AutoCAD multileader.
"I was setting up multileaders on my company's template file when I came across a way to change the leader type, color, linetype, line weight, arrowhead, and size on each individual leader leg. You can do this by simply holding down the Ctrl key and picking the leader you wish to change. One click gives you grips at either end that allow you to move the leader. If you want to change the leader type, color, linetype, line weight, arrowhead, or size, hold down the Ctrl key and click with the left mouse button to select the leader, then open the Properties window (or start by opening the Properties window, then pick the leader). Now you can change the leader's properties individually."
Notes from Cadalyst Tip Patrol: Getting your annotations to look just how you like them can be a pain. Sometimes you need something more than the normal-looking leader. This trick will help you make your individual leaders look different, even though they are the same object. This will keep you from having to create multiple objects and overlapping their tails. |