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Open Web Sites or Software from within AutoCAD
Tip# 4136 By Benzigar Peter On 17-Jun-2013
Rated By 0 users Downloaded : 211
Categories : Misc. User Tools
Software type : AutoCAD 2014
Rename File To : Useful.lsp
Open a web browser or third-party software without having to leave AutoCAD.

Tipster Benzigar Peter shares a routine he made to streamline commands from within AutoCAD that will open a web browser or other third-party software without having to leave AutoCAD.

"There are some commands embedded in AutoCAD that many users may not be aware of. The first one is the command called Browser. By default it points to the Autodesk URL. Many may wonder what the big deal is, as accessing these can still be done through the traditional method. The beauty of this command is that we can write small scripts or LISP routines for going to frequently accessed sites without much hassle.

"The other command is Start. Again, this command serves a similar purpose as the browser, except that it opens the installed software directly from AutoCAD. In this case, too, you can write small scripts to access frequently used files, for example, the Excel spreadsheet that maintains the list of drawings or the file that lists a work history. I am attaching a small routine with these commands accessing different web sites or software, and these can modified to your needs."

Notes from Cadalyst tip reviewer Brian Benton: Load the attached LISP file and type CDL on the Command line to open Cadalyst.com in your default browser. Type EXL to start Microsoft Excel. You can customize this LISP file to open specific web sites or third-party software programs from within AutoCAD.


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