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November 2014 Hot Tip Harry
Tip# 4403 By R.K. McSwain On 24-Nov-2014
Rated By 0 users Downloaded : 141
Categories : Misc. User Tools
Software type : AutoCAD 2015
Rename File To : November2014HTH/,November2014HTH/1114Harry-ReadMe.txt,November2014HTH/._1114Harry-ReadMe.txt,November2014HTH/3DFacesToLines.lsp,November2014HTH/LAYER-CONTROLS.LSP,November2014HTH/RailElevation/,November2014HTH/RailElevation/.DS_Store,November2014HTH/RailElevation/._.DS_Store,November2014HTH/RailElevation/Rail_Elev.dcl,November2014HTH/RailElevation/Rail_Elev.lsp,November2014HTH/RailElevation/Rail_Elev.slb,November2014HTH/RailElevation/Rail_Elev.txt,November2014HTH/ViewTwist.lsp
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Two Functions for Controlling Layer Freeze and Off Properties — Jim Himes — This tip comprises two similar routines: The first turns off all frozen layers in AutoCAD, and the second one freezes any layers that are turned off. This might sound a little redundant, but recall that Freeze and Off are different commands.

Set View Rotation — Mike Partenheimer — In civil engineering, sheet plan views are usually twisted to read along an alignment. This ViewTwist AutoCAD routine simplifies this very common action.

Draw Railing Elevations — Jay L. Thomas — This routine is an excellent example of combining LISP code with a dialog box with graphics. Its purpose is to draw railing elevations in AutoCAD.

Convert 3D Faces to Lines — Kent Cooper — This routine was created in response a question in the Autodesk customization forums; the user wanted to trim AutoCAD objects where the cutting edge turned out to be 3D faces.


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