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Find the AutoCAD Version of a DWG File
Tip# 4365 By Dean Culver On 14-Sep-2014
Rated By 0 users Downloaded : 156
Categories : Misc. User Tools
Software type : AutoCAD 2015
Rename File To : VERSION.LSP
AutoCAD wil tell you the last saved version of the current drawing.

This routine from Dean Culver will identify the last saved version of the current AutoCAD drawing. After you have downloaded and saved the LISP file, load it into AutoCAD. Type in the command Version and press Enter. An AutoCAD message box will appear, showing: "This File was Last Saved as AutoCAD Version XXX." For a similar tip that you can use without AutoCAD, see Cadalyst CAD Tip #4344, by Michael Partenheimer.


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