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Easy Perpendicular
Tip# 1874 By Tushar Suradkar On 01-May-2003
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 229
Categories : Misc. User Tools
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip1874: UO.LSP
uo.lsp. Written to draw trusses with lines, three commands align the UCS to the line with which you want to draw another line perpendicular.

Tip #1874 [UO.PAT]
I use this program when I draw trusses with lines in AutoCAD. Every time I wanted to draw a line perpendicular to an existing line, I had to align the UCS with the line, which took four steps. This automates the task and saves time.
The routine consists of three commands. UO prompts you to pick a line, then aligns the UCS to the line. UW resets the UCS to World. SetRev sets a variable, REV, to 1 only if it does not exist. If REV exists and is 0, it changes to 1. If REV exists and is 1, it changes to 0. When REV is set to 1, UO displays a prompt to reverse the direction of the object aligned with the UCS. When REV is set to 0, the prompt is suppressed.



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