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A Shortcut to Get to the Extrude Command
Tip# 4432 By David Gaskill On 02-Mar-2015
Rated By 0 users
Categories : Menus, Misc. User Tools
Software type : Inventor
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Here's another shortcut to save you time when working in Inventor.

When you have finished a sketch in Autodesk Inventor, pick an entity. Notice the options available to select from. In this case we can extrude, revolve, or edit sketch.

Select the extrude option and extrude the part. The extrude dialog will pop up. Perform the necessary extrude.

I like using this because it keeps my eyes in the working area and makes me just a little faster. Of course there is the right-click also. This just gives us another option in our bag of tricks.

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