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Redo Change
Tip# 837 By Ted Bradshaw On 01-Jan-1993
Rated By 3 users Downloaded : 250
Categories : Menus
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : TIP837.MNU
a menu macro that toggles Ortho mode and redoes the Change command when it messes up lines that should or shouldn't have been kept parallel.

a menu macro that toggles Ortho mode and redoes the Change command when it messes up lines that should or shouldn't have been kept parallel.


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User comments
Comment by Cooper,Kent
Posted on 2011-10-04 14:38:53
A good idea. I made an AutoLISP version (which also uses a different way to toggle the Orthomode System Variable), for those who prefer to have the option of typing in a command name, in addition to or instead of finding a menu item.