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Part Priority Quick Access
Tip# 4424 By David Gaskill On 09-Feb-2015
Rated By 1 users
Categories : Misc. User Tools, Menus
Software type : Inventor
Rename File To : No Files to download.
The Part Priority command allows the user to filter parts and features of a model based on selection criteria.

One of my favorite Inventor tools is the Part Priority command (on the quick-access toolbar). It allows the user to filter parts and features of a model based on selection criteria. It is very powerful.

Here I will show you a time-saving step for accessing the Priority menu.

While depressing the Shift key, right-click with the mouse. You will then have access to the same filters to choose from. I love this tool and use it many times during the day. It saves a step or two and stays in the working area, making me a little faster.


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