Cadalyst Tip Reviewer Brian Benton shared a tip about a new feature added to AutoCAD 2013: clickable items in the Command line.
"AutoCAD 2013 made a change to the Command line. Users can now click the options that are available for specific commands. Let's look at the Zoom command as an example.
"The Zoom command has several options to it: All, Center, Dynamic, Extents, Previous, Scale, Window, and Object. Before AutoCAD 2013, you had to type in the option or pick a special icon on the ribbon or in a toolbar to get to the type of zoom you wanted to use. Users of the Command line will know that, when a command has an option available to it, you can type in a shortcut to get to that option. So, if you start the Zoom command, then type in the letter A, you will perform a Zoom All. Now you don’t have to remove your hand from your mouse and travel to the keyboard. Just move the mouse to the Command line and click the option you want. It’s just like clicking a link on a web site. This is really nice when you can’t find a specific button (like Zoom All), but you know how to start the command." |