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Match Properties in Multiple Drawings
Tip# 3518 By Leonid Nemirovsky On 25-Oct-2010
Rated By 3 users
Categories : Match Properties
Software type : AutoCAD 2011
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Apply the Match Properties command across any number of open drawings.

Frequent tipster Leonid Nemirovsky shares an interesting tip that expands the usefulness of the Match Properties command in AutoCAD.

"I have a small and rather unusual tip. I noticed by sheer accident that the Match Properties command works across any number of open drawings. In other words, use the command as usual, then while still in the command, press Ctrl + Tab to get to the next drawing. Continue to use the Match Properties command in another drawing, and so on. Selected objects in other drawings will match the entity, and if there is no such layer (line type, color, etc.) it will be brought into these drawings."
Notes from Cadalyst Tip Patrol: Leonid is right, this is a small tip — and an interesting one. AutoCAD's Match Properties command will alter an object's properties to be the same as another object's properties. Start the command, choose the object you want to emulate, then select all of the objects you want to change. Simple enough — and very useful. I didn't know that it would work across files, but it does: Start the command, pick an object, then go to another file.  


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User comments
Comment by MacKinnon,Angus
Posted on 2010-10-25 15:09:35
This is more of a question than a comment. I had already stumbled on this myself. just like Leonid. My question is: does anybody know how to match properties between LAYOUTS in the SAME drawing for use on objects in paperspace? Switching layouts kicks you out of the matchprop command.
Comment by McSwain,R.K.
Posted on 2010-11-08 13:53:31
Angus, after you run the MatchProp command, select your first object, then type in 'CTAB (note the leading apostrophe), then enter the name of the layout tab you want to switch to, then resume the command.