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Flat Pattern Generator for Sheet-Metal Transition Cones
Tip# 3027 By Steve Pettey On 01-Dec-2008
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 960
Categories : Manipulation
Software type : AutoCAD 2008
Rename File To : Cone-FP.LSP,cone-fp.pdf
This command is a flat pattern generator for sheet-metal transition cones.

This is a cool LISP command named C:Cone-FP and includes a LSP and a PDF document. This command is a flat pattern generator for sheet-metal transition cones. Draw the cone in 3D as a solid, then draw the cuts (penetrations) on the model. Isolate the cone and explode all the surfaces and bodies. Next load the LISP code and run the Cone-FP Command line function. The routine will ask you to select the apex of the cone and all the cutouts. The final result is the flat pattern with cutouts as polylines -- all set for the CNC process. This serious power tool gets designs to the shop floor for fabrication. Very nice. The included PDF document helps explain the process in detail.


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