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Tip# 3647 By Mahrdad Ahankhah On 15-May-2011
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 9379
Categories : Programming Examples, LISP Code Modules
Software type : AutoCAD 2012
Rename File To : KillWorm-for-Cadalyst.lsp
Remove an AutoCAD-specific virus.

Some readers out there may be aware of an AutoCAD-specific virus that uses AutoLISP spread itself and cause problems. Symantec has a writeup on this problem, and Autodesk has addressed it in its knowledge base. Tip author Mehrdad Ahankhah offers up this LISP routine to help detect and remove this AutoCAD-specific virus. Hot Tip Harry is unable to test this routine due to the lack of an infected machine (and his desire for it to remain that way). However, if you suspect your AutoCAD is infected and you have reviewed the documents linked above, you may want to give this routine a shot.   


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