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Detect Civil 3D Alignments
Tip# 4170 By Mathew Kirkland On 29-Jul-2013
Rated By 0 users Downloaded : 214
Categories : LISP Code Modules, Programming Examples
Software type : AutoCAD Civil 3D
Rename File To : c3d-get-alignments.lsp
Detect AutoCAD Civil 3D alignments in a drawing file.

Mat Kirkland shares an effective little routine that will detect AutoCAD Civil 3D alignments in a given drawing file. You'll probably want to use this as part of a larger routine. This function requires one argument, and that is a reference to an ActiveX document which at the most basic level can be obtained with the function (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)). If one or more alignments are found, this function returns a grouped pair, where the first element is an integer representing the number found, and the second element is a list of the Vla-Objects found.


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