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    For tip to function correctly, you must ensure that the downloaded file name matches the file name
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Change Xref File Names Without Detaching and Reattaching
Tip# 4418 By Michael Partenheimer On 26-Jan-2015
Rated By 0 users Downloaded : 2043
Categories : LISP Code Modules, DWG
Software type : AutoCAD 2015
Rename File To : UpXr/,UpXr/UpXr.lsp,UpXr/UpXr.txt
Rename xrefs without losing your layer settings.

Michael Partenheimer gives us a slick way to change xrefs in AutoCAD without losing your layer settings. First off, read the included TXT file that describes the process in detail. Once you have an understanding of the process, edit the LISP file UpXr.lsp so that the filenames match your scenario. Then you can run this LISP command to automate the process described in the TXT file. There is a second function in the included LISP file (named UpXrAllAtOnce) that is an example of combining several rename operations into one function.


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User comments
Comment by Wenzel,Volker
Posted on 2015-01-27 03:53:19
Hi all together, perhaps I'm a little bit silly or don't understand what your problem is, but you can change the X-Ref-Name very easy just by selecting the XREF you want to rename, press F2 (the same way as in Explorer) and type in the new name. All depending layers, blocks, etc. will rename too. Ofcourse the Layer, where the XREf is loaded in, must be thawn and unlock first. So "The Reference Manager utility only changes paths. The file name must remain the same." is not true. You may name your XREF like you want (see attached picture) regards V. Wenzel
Comment by Partenheimer,Micahel
Posted on 2015-01-27 11:50:27
Hi Volker, I should have been more clear in my description of the Reference Manager. I'm describing the external Reference Manager tool which ships with AutoCAD and may be used to batch re-path Xrefs, not the internal AutoCAD External References palette. The routine automates the manual process you describe and is useful when you have many sheet files that contain several Xrefs which require renaming. The Reference Manager startup icon and example are shown in the attached image. I apologize for any confusion. Regards, Michael Partenheimer
Comment by Partenheimer,Michael
Posted on 2015-01-27 12:12:49
Image for previous comment
Comment by Wenzel,Volker
Posted on 2015-01-28 05:15:37
Hi Michael, well, yes, that's what I feared. I never used the external X-REF-Manager because I never needed (with only 1-5 DWG-XREFs). In fact, I've forgotten that he exist... ;( Sorry for my comment. And thank YOU for your sympathetic about my mistake. Regards, Volker