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Generate User-Defined Closed Areas
Tip# 4140 By Juan Villarreal On 19-Jun-2013
Rated By 0 users Downloaded : 247
Categories : 2D Operations, Linear Objects
Software type : AutoCAD 2014
Rename File To : CA_CalcArea.lsp
Project points and generate closed polylines in AutoCAD.

This routine from Juan Villarreal projects points and generates closed polylines in AutoCAD according to a user-defined area and number of areas. Start by loading the LISP file, then type in the command CA. You will be prompted to pick a first base point, a second base point, and a point on each adjacent side. The routine will then ask you for an area for each closed polyline, and suggest size and quantity limits based on the initial input. For example, if the adjacent sides are converging on each other, there is a limit to the number of closed areas that can be created. Juan's routine contains plenty of comments to help you see how it works.


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