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Construction Lines and Rays
Tip# 4103 By Brian Benton On 15-Apr-2013
Rated By 0 users
Categories : Linear Objects
Software type : AutoCAD 2013
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Create two useful types of AutoCAD objects: construction lines and rays.

Cadalyst tip reviewer Brian Benton reminds us that AutoCAD has other line objects called construction lines (or xlines) and rays that we can use when making our drawings.

"When I am sketching inside AutoCAD, I often use xlines and rays. Xlines, or construction lines, are lines that extend through two defined points in both directions onto infinity. A ray is a line extending in one direction from a starting point through a second point to infinity. These two AutoCAD object types are very useful. Type XL on the Command line for a construction line; type RAY on the Command line for a ray.

"These lines extend to infinity, but won’t mess up your zoom all or zoom extents. They are lines, so you can also trim or extend to them, as well as trim or break them. Once they are trimmed or broken, the remaining line segment becomes a line object. I use them as drafting construction lines or when I need to lay out some design work. They are quick to create and easy to manipulate."


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