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LISP Customization Commands
Tip# 3038 By Roy Knapp On 01-Dec-2008
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 647
Categories : Libraries
Software type : AutoCAD 2008
Rename File To : TM.LSP,freeze_date.lsp,ld.LSP,mxpg.LSP
These command functions demonstrate how to make AutoCAD your own.

This is group of LISP commands, including LD, Freeze_Date, and MXPG suite. These command functions demonstrate how to make AutoCAD your own. LD is a leader command that uses Mtext (written some time ago but still useful) and lightweight polylines. Freeze_Date and MXPG are two title-block manipulation examples for placing the current date and setting the page count based on the number of tabs.


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