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Keep Your Detail View Attached to the Base View
Tip# 4358 By David Gaskill On 08-Sep-2014
Rated By 0 users
Categories : Layers
Software type : Inventor
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Here is a tip for keeping your base view and your detail view attached when working in Autodesk Inventor.

Sometimes when you create a detail view and then later move the base view that the detail is associated with, you find that your detail view is not where you expected it to be. Here is a way to correct that problem.

First, create a detail view.


Select and right-click the boundary created for your detail view.

Select Attach from the dialog box. Pick a point on any geometry in the boundary area. You will see a yellow dot appear.

Your detail view will be attached to the base view. If the geometry relocates in the base view, the detail view tags along.

If you find you don’t want this to occur, you can right-click and select Detach. Then if the base view changes and geometry moves out of the boundary area, the detail view will stay put and possibly reflect new geometry.

Note: This Inventor tip has not been reviewed by a Cadalyst tip reviewer.


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