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Select to Make Layer Current
Tip# 1954 By David Trembley On 01-Jun-2004
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 464
Categories : Layer Manager, Layers, Layer States, Layer Tools
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip1954: MLAYLINE.LSP, MLAYLINE.DCL
MLAYLINE.LSPlets you select a layer to make it current. If the layer doesn't exist, the routine creates it.

Tip #1954 (Make Layer Current) from David Trembley is a dialog box utility that lets you select a layer to make it current. If the layer doesn't exist, it's created based on the internal standards of the routine. The AutoLISP code handles the layer colors and linetypes so you don't have to wade through AutoCAD's Layer dialog box. The DCL file must be in a folder that AutoCAD searches for the function to operate correctly. Load the code and type Mlayline to activate the command. This is a great utility for setting up a single layer and then using it immediately. It's useful even if you need to adapt it to match your own internal standards.



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