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Manipulate Layers in a Group
Tip# 1955 By Benoit Lefebvre On 01-Jun-2004
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 293
Categories : Layer Tools, Layers
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip1955: SETLAYERS.DVB
SETLAYERS.DVB is a VBA macro that lets you manipulate the layers in a group of drawings.

If you want to prepare a suite of drawings or work with more than one drawing at a time, VBA is the tool to use. Tip #1955 (Manipulate Layers in a Drawing Group) is a VBA macro that lets you manipulate the layers in a group of drawings. In this case, Benoit Lefebvre wanted to go through the drawings and modify the layer names of objects generated as a result of the solids manipulation commands Solview and Soldraw. This routine is a wonderful example of how you can use VBA to quickly change multiple drawings.



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