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Layer Display Suite
Tip# 1970 By Rechen Nan On 01-Aug-2004
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 438
Categories : Layer Manager, Layers, Layer Tools
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip1970a: DISPLAY.LSP , Tip1970b: DISPLAY.DCL
DISPLAY.LSP, DISPLAY.DCL. Six commands control layer display: Hide all, Show all, Hide selected, more.

The leader in complexity for the layer events is Layer Display Suite (Tip #1970) from Rechen Nan. This suite of commands is supplied as a pair of files zipped together. Unzip the files and place the LSP and DCL files in the standard AutoCAD search path. Once the LSP file is loaded, you can select from six commands that control the display of layers (by hiding or showing them). The commands in this suite are:

Ho: hide selected objects
Show: show all objects
Hexp: hide all objects except those selected
Sbl: show objects on layers selected
Hbl: hide layer based on object selection
HBLE: hide all objects except those on layers of selected objects
How useful is a function set like this? That depends how many layers you have.



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