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Copy to Layer
Tip# 1969 By Theodorus Winata On 01-Aug-2004
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 487
Categories : Layer Properties, Layers, Layer Tools
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip1969a: CPL.LSP, Tip1969b: CPL.DCL
CPL.LSP, CPL.DCL. Copies objects from one layer to another.

Theodorus Winata?s Copy to Layer (Tip #1969) lets you select a layer name from a dialog box. After you pick the layer name, an object selection prompt appears for objects to be copied. You can select multiple objects. Next the routine requests a base point plus displacement point. It copies the selected objects to the new location with the layers changed. Combining multiple steps into a single command is what it?s all about. Excellent tip!



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