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Save and Restore Layer States
Tip# 3530 By Raymond Rizkallah On 11-Nov-2010
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 862
Categories : Layer States
Software type : AutoCAD 2011
Rename File To : QUICK-LMAN.LSP
Create a temporary layer state.

This is a really neat AutoCAD tip for its size. Tip author Raymond Rizkallah takes advantage of the Command line interface of the Layer command to create and restore layer states using a quick key-in command. To use this routine, first load the LISP file. When you are ready to save a layer state, type in LMS. This command will create a layer state named $TEMP; now you can do various things to your layers. When you are ready to restore the layer state, type in LMR. You can repeat the LMR command as many times as needed. If you run the LMS command again, the previous temporary layer state is deleted and a new one is created.


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