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Layer Script Maker
Tip# 2161 By Jay Thomas On 01-Nov-2006
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 748
Categories : Layer Manager, Layers, Layer Properties, Layer States, Layer Tools
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip2161: LyrMak.lsp
Moves layer assignments from one drawing to another.

Jay Thomas supplied Layer Script Maker (Tip #2161) for moving layer assignments from one drawing to another. This is a clever application that combines two different programming tools, AutoLISP and Scripts. A script file is a sequence of commands to be run by AutoCAD. You start scripts by using the Script command. Jay's tip involves two steps. In the first step, load the LISP code and run it by typing Lyrmak. This collects the layer information in your drawing and creates a script file that you name. The script contains the command sequence that recreates the layer details in a new drawing. For the second step, start a new drawing and type Script. Select the script file (extension SCR) created in the first step and within seconds, the new drawing's layers are the same. Combining the tools is a great way to get things done!



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