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Two Functions for Controlling Layer Freeze and Off Properties
Tip# 4399 By Jim Himes On 23-Nov-2014
Rated By 0 users Downloaded : 167
Categories : Layer Properties
Software type : AutoCAD 2015
Turn off frozen layers, or freeze layers that are turned off.

Jim Himes shares two similar routines with us this month: The first turns off all frozen layers in AutoCAD, and the second one freezes any layers that are turned off. This might sound a little redundant, but recall that Freeze and Off are different commands. (Review Cadalyst CAD Tip #4360 if you’ve forgotten how these two differ.) To use these routines, load the LISP file, then run the command OFL to turn off all frozen layers, or run the command FOL to freeze all layers that are turned off. At the end of each routine, the Layer Properties manager is opened so you can review the results of the command.


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