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Change Defpoints Layer to Something Other than 0
Tip# 4104 By Kevin E. Vaughn On 22-Apr-2013
Rated By 0 users
Categories : Layer Properties
Software type : AutoCAD 2014
Rename File To : No Files to download.
The layer defpoints is automatically created when you create certain objects like associated dimensions.

Tipster Kevin E. Vaughn sent in this tip to help AutoCAD users manage the default layers 0 and defpoints

“I change the default color in layer defpoints to color 241 to differentiate it from the default color 0 in layer 0. This especially helps when scrubbing others’ drawings that you’re using for xrefs by allowing you to quickly see which default layers viewpoints are created in. Viewports are affected if created on level 0 and/or defpoints if one or the other is frozen or turned off.”

Notes from Cadalyst tip reviewer Brian Benton: I have seen many drawings, CAD operators, project managers, and companies hurt because they used AutoCAD’s defpoints and 0 layers. AutoCAD files will always have a layer 0. It’s built into the system to ensure that every file always has a layer. You are stuck with it.

The layer defpoints isn’t in by default, but will automatically be created when you create certain objects such as associated dimensions. By default, defpoints is a nonprinting layer. Objects on that layer will not print. Associated dimensions use the layer defpoints to place their nodes on.

Layer 0 and the defpoints layer also work together. Freezing or turning off layer 0 will affect the defpoints layer. Because of defpoints properties, many users will create viewports that are on the defpoints layer. Freezing layer 0 can have undesired effects, so be careful. If you use both layers, it is difficult to differentiate what objects are on which layer. Changing their colors is a great way to help fix this issue.

I suggest that you don’t use defpoints. Instead, make a layer that is set not to print. That gives you more precise control than defpoints can give.


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Comment by Clark,Jeff
Posted on 2013-04-22 17:00:36
Excelent Tip. Putting item on the Defpoints layer is a Big No-No.